A lot of things has happened in the last year in my life, yet some things are totally the same.
I graduated college with my Bachelors degree :)
I tore two tendons in my ankle and severely bruised the bone :(
And I havent lost any real weight.
I weighed in Wednesday at 242 pounds. I'm not putting a sad face though, because I am proud of my journey.
This year I ran a mile without stopping,
I survive Insanity classes without quitting on a regular basis, and I can do a 4 minute wall sit.
Life is full of ups and downs and without those I would get bored and complacent.
One of my favorite bloggers, Elle Noel posted about the Piles on the Miles Challenge by Monica at Run Eat Repeat. Basically you pledge a goal, it can be miles, minutes, times a week, whatever you want to do.
I pledged to get 1350 minutes of exercise in the month of November. Join me!
I'm ready to get back to blogging and have a great November.
If anyone is still reading, what are your goals for November?