Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Weigh in Wednesday

Weigh in Wednesday with the Ladies!

 Weigh In Wednesday

This mornings weigh in....

243-Which I am totally happy with. I made about 50% healthy choices this week and exercised, I just need to up that percentage of healthy choices. 

I woke up nice and early (530am!) and did a mile run on the treadmill and some arm weights.

I really need to figure out a weightlifting routine. I just don't know what to do and don't really have someone to go with me/can't afford a trainer.  I found decent routines online, especially this Simply Shredded but I just worry doing it by myself.  I have no fear of the weight room or looking new, I just have it in my head I need a spotter or something? I think it is just my way of avoiding it.

 So far in December I have gotten 2 workouts in and I am at 90 minutes of my 1350 goal :)

How's your Wednesday? Don't forget to enter the giveaway from Monday!


  1. I'm jealous of people who can wake up early. I would love to get my workouts over and done with.

  2. Sorry about the gain, but that was a great workout! I'm terrible at waking up early for workouts. good for you!
