Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday

So I haven't written a post in like three weeks..lamesauce. Thanks to everyone who stuck around! I don't have a real reason, just pure laziness and some life thrown in there. I haven't done so great in the exercise/healthy eating department either.. I have been a horrible blogger with reading/commenting/responding to people so I apologize.

I couldn't possibly let another Wednesday go by without joining in with my loves Erin & Alex for Weigh in Wednesday!


I did run a virtual 5k on St Patty's day with the MLFC crew, that was fun!

I haven't done any kind of running in a while, so I followed the C25K W1D1 to do it and just did that twice.  I was very happy with my time since it had been so long.. Then as always I took a week break :) but I did W1D2 last night.

It felt pretty good, I did have some leg issues but I just attributed that to not exercising in a while.  Yesterday was also good in the eating department, I tracked everything and was under calories. My only goal for the next week is to track everything I eat. A good bonus would be to work out every other day. I do all my tracking on MFP so if you aren't already my friend, get on it!

That is all I have for today. Again thanks for all your continued support and I think I am back in full force!
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  1. Did I guilt you in to posting?! Haha! I don't care about blogging/linking up, I just wanted to be sure you knew I wasn't going away and am here to support you for the long haul :) Proud of you for starting up with C25K... I did it last summer and loved it! Here's to a good week for both of us!

  2. I'm here for you anytime you need a pick me up!! :) :)
