Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday

Good Morning.

It is in the 50's today which is a welcomed change from the 14 degrees we had on Monday.  I was home sick yesterday with a stomach thing and I was bored to death.  I couldn't even get in some proper naps so that was a big downer.  I basically sat around and played on the Internet and watched TV; all while running to the bathroom. (sorry for the visual)

On to Weigh in Wednesday!


Hosted by Erin & Alex
Check them out! They're pretty fab, not just on Wednesdays but everyday! yes I'm corny

I weighed in this morning at 239.6 which is a 1.6 gain from last week. 

The word is for the Biggest Loser Competition in MLFC

I wasn't surprised by that.  When I'm sick, even the lovely kind I had yesterday, my body likes to hold on to my weight.  I also certainly did not get enough water in yesterday, I should see a good number next week.  I did decent this week with my eating and exercising.  Definitely an improvement from the week before.  I brought my exercise clothes with me today in hopes I feel well enough to work out after class. 

I plan on trying out this workout I found on pinterest. (Follow Me!)

Source: via Sonya on Pinterest

My brother usually goes with me so he can help my ditzy self figure everything out.

I plan to  focus on my eating this week. Whats your go to dinner when you re being healthy?

Monday, January 28, 2013

"Say hello, will ya?"

Two Posts in one day?!? Craziness I tell ya.  Well I always love a good link up & I found this lovely one hosted by Laura.  Go check her & everyone else out!
1. What blogs do you visit daily? Please list 1-3 of your favorites.
This is always changing for me but right now I'm loving
They're both awesome, check them out!!

2. Are you on Instagram? If so, what is your user name?
Yes! @sewag
3. Can we find you on Pinterest? What's your Pinterest address, and what can we expect to see you pinning most? (recipes, DIY projects, home decor, etc.)
Of course!! My Pinterest :) I do a lot of random stuff.  I guess it tends to be either exercises, yummy food, stuff that cracks me up or fun DIY stuff which I never actually do.

4. What are your favorite blog link-ups to participate in? (weekly link-ups other bloggers have...any number will do...please link us to them!)
I'm still new to the whole blogging thing.  Right now I love Weigh in Wednesday Hosted by Erin & Alex.  It is a great time to get together and link up & discuss what went right and what went wrong that week. 
5. Why do you blog?
I blog because it helps me accountable and examine my self. & It helps me find new friends.

6. Tell us one random fact about yourself.
I was made in Guam. :)
Great questions! I'm excited to read all of them and find some new link-ups to do!

Happy Monday

Good Morning!!

I love that video! I am sure you've seen it  but it cracks me up every time! I think it is a good message for a Monday.

My weekend wasn't anything too exciting.  Although my dad did work on my car Saturday and it started despite the cold this morning, yay!! Lets hope that continues. Then we had a family day and went to the movies & dinner.  My mom and I saw The Silver Lining.  I thought it was a great movie, check it out! Then my brother and I went to gym, yay! although since we had eaten dinner I couldn't get much cardio in.  I tried though

Sunday was spent sleeping in, cleaning & doing homework. 

Now I just need to buckle down and finish my homework due tonight, and do that whole work thing.

How was your weekend?

Friday, January 25, 2013

My Makeup Bag

Good Morning :) Two posts in one week, shocker!!

Trista at Stewart Street is hosting a linkup about what is in your makeup bag. 

I don't wear make-up every day but I do feel more put together and professional when I put a little something on.  I am excited to see what everyone posts, go check them out!

My photo editing skills are not awesome, so bear with me. (you pro bloggers, how do you get your pictures looking all fine?)

I love my make up bag! It just came from Target when they do a little giveaway but it is the perfect size to throw in my purse & hold what I use.

I start with this dream fresh BB cream in medium and this bronzer by Maybelline.  I think they are both from CVS.

Then depending on what I am wearing I mainly use one of these two different eye shadows.  Top is NYC with some different browns, or the second is Almay and I think it was for those with green eyes.  Since I am such a goober with eye make up I like the kind that tells you where to put what shadow.

Then I use mascara, I think its Cover Girl? (I really should have brought my bag with me) and then I love, love this eyeliner, it is from Sally's and is purple but you can't really tell.  I think it opens up my eyes well. 

Anyway thats my make up bag.  What type of bronzer do you use? if you use any.

I really like the Make Up Chair on Youtube, she has a lot of great tutorials, check her out!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday & Updates!

Good Morning :)

Today is Weigh in Wednesday with Erin & Alex.  Please click over and read all the lovely ladies who are participating and give them some love!


I weighed in this morning at 238, a good 4 pounds since the last time we chatted.  Good times.  I have lots of excuses, but none of them are good ones.  I once again ate healthy and exercised for a whole 2 days and then started eating like crap and sleeping in. 

Sunday night I came to a realization that it was January 20th of 2013, and I am about the same spot that I was in when I started this journey towards being healthy back in March of 2011.  That. Is. Pathetic.  I have no excuses.  I am educated, I know what I should and shouldn't be eating.  I have all the necessary tools: my fitness pal, gym membership, plethora of work out DVDs.  I just keep losing the motivation and determination I had back then. 

So I feel determined again.  I went to the gym last night and did 30 mins on the treadmill, 20 on elliptical & 5 on the bike. I also logged everything I ate, however some of that was pizza hut, but I was only over by about 200 calories.  I'm looking around for some good weight lifting routines too, so if you have any good ideas for a newbie in the gym let me know!My plan is to make a motivation board this week, with magazines clips and picture of things that inspire me.  I'll post when its done!

In other news, classes started again last week.  My classes should be pretty interesting.  I have a Information Design class which I hope will help me with blogging & expressing myself.  The other class is a Leadership class.  I took basically the same class last semester so it shouldn't be too bad.

Thanks for sticking around and reading, I did lose one follower last week? Man at 25 that's a lot! :)

Whats your favorite routine at the gym?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday

Happy Wednesday All! Today I am linking up from a Weigh In Wednesday hosted by the lovely Erin & Alex. Please check them and all the others participating! This is my first link up as a blogger so go easy on me :).

Anyway I have done well this week with tracking my food.  I have logged every bite since last Wednesday so that's a plus for me, and have done well most days.  Exercising hasn't been great, i have this horrible cold that is going around and work is really busy being the week before classes start.  I have let it fall to the wayside, shocker.  I weighed in this morning at....234!I am happy with that number, but am going to set this huge goal of being at 230 next Wednesday.  I will accomplish that by logging my calories, drinking 3+ water bottles a day and getting a workout in most days. 

Whats your goal this week?