Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday & Updates

Man I got 3 whole posts in last week and then Wednesday rolls around and I haven't posted at all!

Friday night we saw Ron White, which was awesome! He was super funny, slightly more vulgar then I remembered, but still fun. And I got my IPAD!!!! I have been dying for one for almost two years so I was so excited. Saturday I volunteered at a tax clinic as a greeter just getting people checked in for their appointments.  then I went to lunch and grocery shopping with my mom.  Sunday I slept an ungodly amount of time and did some cleaning and homework.

Last night was fun though. We have a nails party and I got my eyebrow(s) done. They needed done bad let me tell you. Thursday I'm getting a haircut and color and will finally look like a human again. 

On to Weigh in Wednesday. 


Weigh in Wednesday with the lovely Erin & Alex.

Well its another week of me coming here and telling you that I sucked. I worked out once. I tracked my food about 75% of the time and I didn't get my water in. I let regular old life derail me and I did not make an effort to get back on track. But it is Wednesday and I am determined to have a better story for y'all next week. I have a doctors appointment next Tuesday that I am dreading because my weigh is always a big subject and I just feel like a big fat disappointment. I need to do this for myself. Not for you guys, not for my doctors and certainly not for any male. For me. And I deserve to be healthy and happy.

Lets do this!


  1. You got this girl! You are absolutely right, you have to do it for you! I hate going to the doctor, there scales suck!

  2. for the first time in my life, a few months ago i ASKED my dr to weigh me.. i usually refuse to get on. :) Keep on!

  3. stopping by from the link up. You can do this girl. You got this!

  4. Ok, first of all, you don't suck. You worked out once and you tracked your food 75% of the time... those are STEPS girl, those are big steps in the right direction. You're not going to get everything down in just one week but you took a couple of good steps in the right direction. Set another goal for this new week... try to get 4 bottles of water/day. Just something small to keep adding to your list of good steps, and you WILL get there!

  5. Baby steps, chickie! 75% of the time is better than ZERO :) I've always wanted to see Ron White, I am jealous. Found ya through Mama L's facebook group!
